Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von kingspeedy
Sa 18. Jan 2025, 10:54
Forum: Tools
Thema: Unofficial MFBot Update
Antworten: 146
Zugriffe: 19320

Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

I could have thought of that myself...

Thank you very much! I was probably looking too hard for the error in the bot settings.
von kingspeedy
Sa 18. Jan 2025, 10:18
Forum: Tools
Thema: Unofficial MFBot Update
Antworten: 146
Zugriffe: 19320

Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

@marenga thanks for your work! I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a bug. I have created two new characters. I have activated the quests function. The bot has been running for two days now. But the character has not received any experience or gold. The current action in the overview...