[] Raspbian Console, Guild Rank again

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[] Raspbian Console, Guild Rank again

Beitrag von Sathorn »

And here go we have it again, error for GuildRank
20171213 10:20:43 Error Core Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
Message: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
HResult: -2146233086
Source: mscorlib
StackTrace: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <62f5937022004555807e6c57c33f6684>:0
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <62f5937022004555807e6c57c33f6684>:0
at de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.GuildScreenResponse..ctor (System.String rawData, de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.GuildPlayer[] member, de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Account acc, System.Boolean ownGuild) [0x0059a] in <92b0e33f05f548fba52ac2b5b37bdbf4>:0
at de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Response..ctor (System.String rawData, de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Account acc, System.Boolean newResponse, de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Command cmd, System.Boolean plaintext) [0x00dc6] in <92b0e33f05f548fba52ac2b5b37bdbf4>:0
at de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Response.createResponse (System.String rawData, de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Command request, de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Account acc) [0x0008b] in <92b0e33f05f548fba52ac2b5b37bdbf4>:0
at de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Server.send (de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Account acc, de.mfbot.MFBot_NG.Basisbibliothek.Command cmd) [0x0020f] in <92b0e33f05f548fba52ac2b5b37bdbf4>:0
TargetSite: Void ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(System.ExceptionArgument, System.ExceptionResource)
and General.log just few lines from many more...
20171213 10:18:43 Debug Guild Following GuildRank couldn't be converted:
20171213 10:18:53 Debug Guild Following GuildRank couldn't be converted:
20171213 10:20:20 Debug Guild Following GuildRank couldn't be converted:
20171213 10:20:43 Debug Guild Following GuildRank couldn't be converted:
I have it on all of my characters in the same guild.
Beiträge: 1723
Registriert: So 30. Jun 2013, 18:12
Wohnort: Rheinland-Pfalz
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Re: [] Raspbian Console, Guild Rank again

Beitrag von Robin »

// closed as that should be solved in 4.7.1b2 now
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Robin für den Beitrag:
Sathorn (Do 28. Dez 2017, 21:35)
MFBot-VersionCode-Zeilen*In Dateien*Letzte Version
MFBot 1.5.x64851Juli 2013
MFBot 2.x1436316März 2014
MFBot 3.x2209536März 2015
MFBot 4.x55242241Juli 2018
MFBot 5.x66000440Tbc
*Ohne automatisch generierten Designer-Code

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