MF Bot for Mac users

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MF Bot for Mac users

Beitrag von Ksawex »


Is there any chance to create a MFBot version for Mac users?
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Registriert: Mo 8. Jun 2015, 17:36
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Re: MF Bot for Mac users

Beitrag von F0restbear »

Hey there,

as of right now we have no plans to create a Mac version. This is mainly due to 2 reasons:

1) The time of our developers is pretty limited and unfortunately, we are unable to spare any time to make the bot Mac compatible or to maintain it at all

2) No one of us uses a Mac primarly and thus trouble shooting could become quite difficult

I believe we've had some Mac users in the past and they managed to get the bot running by using 'Wine' - But I'm not sure if this method is still working
Viele Grüße / Best regards

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Registriert: So 17. Nov 2013, 10:24
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Re: MF Bot for Mac users

Beitrag von Phorkys »

Maybe buying a raspberry pi for about 50 euro is a solution for you. The main benefit ist that you dont have to use your mac for that. And for the configuration you can use Bootcamp if your Mac has an intel CPU or an VM. Such as VMware fusion
Beiträge: 123
Registriert: Sa 7. Nov 2020, 21:40
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Re: MF Bot for Mac users

Beitrag von neuhier »

you can even get a pi2 for around 20 bucks and maybe you will find other uses for it as well
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