To take advantage of a bug/feature in the game, it would be beneficial to collect souls before gold.
When gold level is above 50%, collecting souls will trigger the gold pit to jump to 100% full.
to me it sounds like a bug that Playa will fix sooner or later. I'm not sure if it will be necessary to change the ordner of collecting, because once it's fixed, the ordner won't matter again.
I read somewhere on the discord, that it was acknowledged by Playa but seen as a "feature" that will not get fixed (??)
A good fix would be optimizing for it... but just swapping soul and gold collection is better than nothing and is just a matter of moving 1 line of code.
Well, to me it seems very unlikely that Playa acknowledges a bug as a feature as you can gain an advantage ingame by abusing this bug.
While I agree that the effort to change this is very small, I doubt that this "feature" will still exist by the time we publish a new release. But I'll keep it in mind.