Dice Game option

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Dice Game option

Beitrag von bot420 »

Currently we have the option to chose the reward in order of preference.
My suggestion is to add a "chose only X" option.

currently if we have options: 1st crystals 2nd stone etc
if on first throw we have 0 crystals and 4 stone, the bot will chose the 4 stone to keep for the second throw.

What id like to have is "chose only crystals".
Even if on first throw it appeared 5 of something else besides crystal(or our preferred resource), the bot would ignore those 5 and would throw again to try and get crystals.

Have a nice week
Core Developer
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Re: Dice Game option

Beitrag von Baaam »

Good Morning :)

That is already possible. Simply put everything you don't want below "Roll again", so you have "Crystals -> Roll Again -> ..." and that it will behave like you expect.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Baaam für den Beitrag:
bot420 (Mo 7. Mär 2022, 14:30)

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