Server communication error W58/Bard class

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Server communication error W58/Bard class

Beitrag von Twarx »

So, i don't really know what's the problem here maybe the new class but idk.
I play on W58 with the new class Bard. I had some issues with adding my character to the bot but it was solved after I restarted the bot. PS.:The error was still there it was a string error bla bla.
kep.jpg (217.43 KiB) 2009 mal betrachtet
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Re: Server communication error W58/Bard class

Beitrag von f4mous »

the new class came out just a few days ago. just be patient for a while until it is implemented in the bot.
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Re: Server communication error W58/Bard class

Beitrag von Baaam »

Beside several other issues with the new class, the basic functionality should work with version 5.4.3 from 26th, August and the issues from your screenshot shouldn't happen anymore.

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