Planned released

Was auch immer nicht in die anderen Themenbereiche passt.
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Planned released

Beitrag von Marcin97 »

Hi. I am writing here because I expect an answer from the source itself. My question is when the next new version of MFBot is planned to be released. A lot of time ago I read here on the forum that the update will come out at the end of 2022. It's 2023 and we still haven't received the update - hence my question.
A lot has changed in the game since the last update. New features have been added, but most importantly, new dungeons. The current bot does not attack new dungeons, which makes character development very difficult. In addition, the bot does not "open" pet eggs / dungeon keys.

P.S. It would be great if the bot didn't remove epic items from the characters, in their place it assumes regular items. But that's less important. Personally, I miss the new dungeons in the bot the most.

Regards, Drozdu.
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Re: Planned released

Beitrag von boeserwolf »

Hello Drozdu,

We are sorry that we could not keep our promise but we did need a downtime over new year too. I cannot say when the next release will be done but we are working on it. The problem with the dungeon keys and pet eggs is already in work for example.

The dungeons are a bit more complex as we need lots of information. If you - or any other user - wants to help we would greatly appreciate the collection of the following information:
- dungeon name
- dungeon stage
- opponent level
- opponent name
- opponent class
- opponent attributes
- opponent life

Best regards
MFBot 5.x: 63626 CodeZeilen in 338 Dateien

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Re: Planned released

Beitrag von StewieBiatch »

Can not use sftools for that? And what about quick release for new eu1 server?
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Re: Planned released

Beitrag von Marcin97 »

At the moment I developed something like this (file attached). There are very few statistics missing, if I manage to find time tomorrow, I'll try to complete it. If it helped you, I'm very glad. If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know here or in private mess.
(81.41 KiB) 313-mal heruntergeladen
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Re: Planned released

Beitrag von Floki »

A quick release mini-patch for new "s1 eu" would be just in time! =))
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Re: Planned released

Beitrag von boeserwolf »

Do you have any issues with EU1?
MFBot 5.x: 63626 CodeZeilen in 338 Dateien

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Re: Planned released

Beitrag von StewieBiatch »

eu1 is working fine so far.
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Re: Planned released

Beitrag von Marcin97 »

Can I ask how is progress?
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Re: Planned released

Beitrag von Robin »

Hi everyone,
we're nearly there - just one thing missing now we hopefully can get to during the next few days.

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Robin für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 5):
neuhier (So 22. Jan 2023, 23:12) • f4mous (So 22. Jan 2023, 23:34) • Squishy (Mo 23. Jan 2023, 05:36) • DasAoD (Mo 23. Jan 2023, 21:54) • Marcin97 (Mi 25. Jan 2023, 22:56)
MFBot-VersionCode-Zeilen*In Dateien*Letzte Version
MFBot 1.5.x64851Juli 2013
MFBot 2.x1436316März 2014
MFBot 3.x2209536März 2015
MFBot 4.x55242241Juli 2018
MFBot 5.x66000440Tbc
*Ohne automatisch generierten Designer-Code

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