Simple MFBot restarter

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Simple MFBot restarter

Beitrag von kingchenC »


i just created a simple batch file restarter for the mfbot, or any other application... because mfbot crashes alot or hangs or freezes or what ever.. :D

Code: Alles auswählen

@echo off
start ....Path....\MFBot\MFBot.exe
timeout /t 3600 >null
taskkill /f /im MFBot.exe >nul
goto loop
Simple MFBot Restarter.rar
(206 Bytes) 122-mal heruntergeladen

1. Just copy the code in a batch file, or download the batch file...
2. Edit after start the correct path to your mfbot exe
3. 3600 = 60 min, you can edit this if you want faster or lower wait time for next restart... >>>> 3600 / 60 = 60 * XY min

4. Create a new shortcut of the batch file, go settings of the shortcut and auto start with admin rights, or its not work


- Enable in the mfbot general settings "start minimized"
- Do not close the cmd, or the batch file is not executed, just minimize the cmd after starting the batch file

Enjoy ;)
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor kingchenC für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 3):
StewieBiatch (Do 2. Feb 2023, 22:01) • extensaria (Di 27. Jun 2023, 08:05) • Marcin97 (So 3. Sep 2023, 12:40)

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