Support for S&F Account login

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Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Uwaga »

A possibility to link a Character to your user account has been added to the game.

When a character is added to an account, it is no longer possible to log into the game.

Could the support for characters linked to S&F Account be implemented?
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Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Robin »

Hi there,

thank you for asking!
That seems like a bigger problem than previously anticipated by us, especially if the connected accounts aren't accessible by the user/password combination previously used.

We'll obviously have a look into it and try to implement the new login as fast as possible, but I can't take any guess as for when we can release an update (though I'd guess around the weekend).
For anyone that has not linked their account yet: DON'T if you want to continue playing the character on the bot at the moment!


Edit: I"ll set a warning banner on forum, bot news and the homepage. That doesn't help you, but I hope this can contain a bit of "damage".
2nd edit: If it's any consolation, it doesn't look too complicated to implement it on the technical side, it's more a question on how we'll integrate it in the current workflow..
3rd edit: Obviously, all of the above also applies to the CrawlerNG

For the latest information, please make sure that you have read the last post of this topic. Thanks!
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Robin für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 5):
Uwaga (Mi 3. Mai 2023, 14:29) • Marcin97 (Mi 3. Mai 2023, 14:30) • Floki (Mi 3. Mai 2023, 15:01) • Crossland (Do 4. Mai 2023, 09:06) • Brain (Fr 5. Mai 2023, 23:33)
MFBot-VersionCode-Zeilen*In Dateien*Letzte Version
MFBot 1.5.x64851Juli 2013
MFBot 2.x1436316März 2014
MFBot 3.x2209536März 2015
MFBot 4.x55242241Juli 2018
MFBot 5.x66000440Tbc
*Ohne automatisch generierten Designer-Code
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Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2023, 17:11
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Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Marcin97 »

I lost my W60 account because of this shitty sf client. I wrote them an email asking them to undo my entire process...
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Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2023, 17:11
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Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Marcin97 »

Due to the crappy updates from Playa Games, this seems to have become a priority for you at the moment, as most people will lose the ability to use the SFBot
Beiträge: 1723
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Wohnort: Rheinland-Pfalz
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Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Robin »

Hi there,

we'll try to make the bot compatible with the new login method as soon as we're able to.
Until then, there seems to be no (bot-side) workaround since the new login method really *is* new and not in the bot's current set of commands.

Hang in there!
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Robin für den Beitrag:
Marcin97 (Mi 3. Mai 2023, 14:36)
MFBot-VersionCode-Zeilen*In Dateien*Letzte Version
MFBot 1.5.x64851Juli 2013
MFBot 2.x1436316März 2014
MFBot 3.x2209536März 2015
MFBot 4.x55242241Juli 2018
MFBot 5.x66000440Tbc
*Ohne automatisch generierten Designer-Code
Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Mi 3. Mai 2023, 18:27
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Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Creaton »

I hope you can do it as soon as possible. All my compliments. As soon as you do, the donation will go. Unfortunately, I'm trapped too. And it's too late now... I'm relying on you. With the greatest thanks and hope that everything will be fine this week.
Beiträge: 1723
Registriert: So 30. Jun 2013, 18:12
Wohnort: Rheinland-Pfalz
Hat sich bedankt: 303 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 354 Mal

Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Robin »

Short update:
We've begun working on this and I'm confident that we're able to implement it (I wasn't so sure there for a moment), but as expected it might take a while.
My current guess for the ETA of the first "quick and a mostly dirty" solution would still be this weekend - if we don't hit obstacles we can't see yet.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Robin für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 5):
desto_gsxr (Do 4. Mai 2023, 22:25) • Floki (Fr 5. Mai 2023, 08:21) • Crossland (Fr 5. Mai 2023, 09:45) • Uwaga (Fr 5. Mai 2023, 12:02) • Allmighty (Sa 6. Mai 2023, 20:04)
MFBot-VersionCode-Zeilen*In Dateien*Letzte Version
MFBot 1.5.x64851Juli 2013
MFBot 2.x1436316März 2014
MFBot 3.x2209536März 2015
MFBot 4.x55242241Juli 2018
MFBot 5.x66000440Tbc
*Ohne automatisch generierten Designer-Code
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Registriert: Do 4. Mai 2023, 22:05
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Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von desto_gsxr »

Robin hat geschrieben: Do 4. Mai 2023, 22:22 Short update:
We've begun working on this and I'm confident that we're able to implement it (I wasn't so sure there for a moment), but as expected it might take a while.
My current guess for the ETA of the first "quick and mostly dirty" solution would still be this weekend - if we don't hit obstacles we can't see yet.
Thank you for taking your personal time to update the bot. We are waiting for positive news!
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor desto_gsxr für den Beitrag:
Floki (Fr 5. Mai 2023, 08:21)
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Registriert: Mi 3. Mai 2023, 18:27
Hat sich bedankt: 8 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 7 Mal

Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Creaton »

Thank you very much for your work!!! All my appreciation and gratitude for your quick response.

Edit :The new login has been solved in SFtools. I hope there will be no obstacles here. I am very hopeful for the weekend. Thanks for your time and work! (y)
Zuletzt geändert von Creaton am Sa 6. Mai 2023, 09:58, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: Mo 9. Jan 2023, 09:25
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Re: Support for S&F Account login

Beitrag von Floki »

Logging on here daily 5-6 times to see an update un this! Thank you for your time and work!

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