Multiple SF Accounts on one server at once

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Multiple SF Accounts on one server at once

Beitrag von Nikatel »

Good afternoon,

is it not possible to have two accounts running at the same time on the same server? If so, is there any work being put towards accomplishing this or is that something that isn’t being planned in the future?
Thank you!
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Registriert: Mi 6. Mär 2024, 16:15
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Re: Multiple SF Accounts on one server at once

Beitrag von denamon »

Yeah just run another instance of mfbot
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Re: Multiple SF Accounts on one server at once

Beitrag von kapio »

I add to the question:
A friend gave me an account registered on SF. Is it possible to connect two different registered accounts to MFBoot and run them simultaneously. When I run one, the other doesn't work and vice versa. Please help.
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Registriert: Sa 28. Sep 2019, 14:53
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Re: Multiple SF Accounts on one server at once

Beitrag von Bossi »

Hello. You have to install the bot in different folders, each with its own ACC.ini. Then start the exe in each folder. That's how it works for me. Greetings Bossi

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