Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von frank42 »

I was missing two items in my scrapbook and almost resigned... but this tool worked like a charm. Logged in, searched, found two players with the required items, and finished the task. Great help :-)
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marenga (Sa 1. Jun 2024, 21:03)
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von wowo213 »

I would like to ask you to add detection of new artifacts
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von gryffins »

When I turn on scrapbook everything works.
I log in normally and see the hall of fame
I can attack others without any problems
However, when I click the "auto battle" option, the scrapbook starts going crazy
I log in/I log in/I log in/I log in/and nothing else happens... Has anyone else encountered this problem?
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von marenga »

gryffins hat geschrieben: Sa 1. Jun 2024, 20:40 When I turn on scrapbook everything works.
I log in normally and see the hall of fame
I can attack others without any problems
However, when I click the "auto battle" option, the scrapbook starts going crazy
I log in/I log in/I log in/I log in/and nothing else happens... Has anyone else encountered this problem?
yes, this is a known issue. I am currently working on it and *might* have already fixed it an hour ago on the (not yet released) main branch.
In case that fix does not universally work, feel free to send me/post your "helper.log" file here. It might point me in the right direction to narrow down the issue
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Registriert: Sa 1. Jun 2024, 21:32
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von Mati »

Let's assume I find 20 people and each of them is missing 5 items. Does it refresh automatically or not? and if not, how should I refresh it so as not to waste attacks?
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Registriert: Mi 15. Nov 2023, 09:37
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von marenga »

Mati hat geschrieben: Sa 1. Jun 2024, 21:34 Let's assume I find 20 people and each of them is missing 5 items. Does it refresh automatically or not? and if not, how should I refresh it so as not to waste attacks?
After each attack, the list of best targets is refreshed automatically
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von Mati »

Great, amazing tool bro..
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von mati12s »

For some reason it doesnt work for me. It when i try to open it nothing happens an in log there is only this:
2024-06-15 21:24:35 | INFO | sf_scrapbook_helper:58 | Starting up
2024-06-15 21:24:35 | DEBUG | sf_scrapbook_helper:77 | Setup window
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Registriert: Mi 15. Nov 2023, 09:37
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von marenga »

mati12s hat geschrieben: Sa 15. Jun 2024, 21:29 For some reason it doesnt work for me. It when i try to open it nothing happens an in log there is only this:
2024-06-15 21:24:35 | INFO | sf_scrapbook_helper:58 | Starting up
2024-06-15 21:24:35 | DEBUG | sf_scrapbook_helper:77 | Setup window
If I had to guess, your antivirus terminates the process. Feel free to look into the log of whatever you use to make sure.
Otherwise, there might be a problem with the gui framework, or initialization but that would be less likely.
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: Mi 15. Nov 2023, 09:37
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Re: Open Source API & Scrapbook Helper

Beitrag von marenga »

By the way, if anyone is experiencing issues crawling right now, that is not a bug. S&F seems to have implemented rate limiting today, so there is a limit of ~200req/some amount of time.

I think I could work around that by having a pool of crawling accounts, instead of just one, but that brings back the issue of spamming the server with trash accounts. Not sure if that is a good solution. Seems like I have to crawl the servers myself again to make sure this tool is actually useable on newer servers...

Apart from that, there will be a new release soon, that fixes a bunch of bugs and improves usage/overview for multiple accounts. If S&F is now actively working against crawling though, that might be the last release, we will see. Alternatively I focus this tool to become some sort of MFBot replacement/companion, since the development & the open sourcing efforts of the bot seem to have mostly stalled. We will see...

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