Enabling/disabling daily calendar

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Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von Floki »

It would be super cool, if you could add a checkbox for enabling/disabling auto collecting daily calendar ( this would make possible doing calendar trick to skip unwanted months and doing the ones with xp) You can get ~1.5 levels from calendar this way each year :king:
Zuletzt geändert von Robin am Sa 6. Mai 2023, 10:34, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Split from original thread because of topic mismatch
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Floki für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
Uwaga (Sa 6. Mai 2023, 10:58) • Bossi (Di 16. Mai 2023, 14:21)
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Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2017, 19:07
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von bot420 »

Yeah also sugested this post. Would be very good option to add.
No ideia on how hard would it be, but i see so much more complicated things being done, this one should be easy :p

Also to add:
Auto save dungeons wins for mail so we can see afterwards
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von masterblica »

Not available yet?
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von pitris90 »

Floki hat geschrieben: Sa 6. Mai 2023, 10:17 It would be super cool, if you could add a checkbox for enabling/disabling auto collecting daily calendar ( this would make possible doing calendar trick to skip unwanted months and doing the ones with xp) You can get ~1.5 levels from calendar this way each year :king:
or get the shroom calendar for f2p players :D
This feature would be great.. even simple one like toggle for ignoring/taking calendar... now if i want some specific calendar, I cant run bot the day Im skipping, because it will automatically take it...
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Registriert: Fr 14. Jun 2024, 00:10
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von pitris90 »

masterblica hat geschrieben: So 26. Nov 2023, 00:02 Not available yet?
I still dont see it in bot :((
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von frank42 »

I don't think this will be implemented in the near future. As you see, development is currently quite slow anyway, while there are many more important things to build than a calendar skip feature, that brings ~1.5 levels a year.
So, patience is key here ;-)
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Registriert: Fr 14. Jun 2024, 00:10
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von pitris90 »

Yea, I see development isnt moving much in the last couple of months :( Now when magic mirror is removed, bot doesnt even go to dungeons or arena while on city guard or quest.. :( Im quite tempted to write them and try to help with development
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von DasAoD »

Set the city guard to 1 hour so that the bot has a chance to do arena fights.
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von pitris90 »

DasAoD hat geschrieben: Fr 19. Jul 2024, 20:03 Workaround:
Set the city guard to 1 hour so that the bot has a chance to do arena fights.
I dont understand how would this help with not taking calendar reward...
Beiträge: 142
Registriert: Do 14. Mai 2020, 00:14
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Re: Enabling/disabling daily calendar

Beitrag von DasAoD »

That was the answer to...
pitris90 hat geschrieben: Mi 10. Jul 2024, 22:36 Yea, I see development isnt moving much in the last couple of months :( Now when magic mirror is removed, bot doesnt even go to dungeons or arena while on city guard or quest.. :( Im quite tempted to write them and try to help with development
I forgot to quote.

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