Unofficial MFBot Update

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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von nico123123123 »

Danke, dass du deine Zeit opferst für uns und das auch noch umsonst.

Ich würde es sehr zu schätzen wissen wenn du evtl dieses Jahr noch die "auto equip better items" fixen könntest. Soweit ich weiß, werden kaum epics angelegt.
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von denamon »

Would be cool if you could add more events to the bot, right now its saying unknown sub event value 524394
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von Jirkaon »

I found another bug that I cant find is mentioned here. Seems to be related with the post above that the bot doesnt recognize the new types of event, because this weekend is new type of event and I have the problem. The bot doesnt show anything in column event. I cant tell if it was the same when it happened to me before. The bot sometimes cant recognize events even if the event is only for a weekend. So the problem: I have set differend amount of beers for the week and for events and sometimes it only uses the amount of beers set for the week even during event. So I need to set the amount of beers I want to the column for "week beers" and after event change it back.
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von frank42 »

Jirkaon hat geschrieben: Fr 17. Jan 2025, 14:29 Hello,
I found another bug that I cant find is mentioned here. Seems to be related with the post above that the bot doesnt recognize the new types of event, because this weekend is new type of event and I have the problem. The bot doesnt show anything in column event. I cant tell if it was the same when it happened to me before. The bot sometimes cant recognize events even if the event is only for a weekend. So the problem: I have set differend amount of beers for the week and for events and sometimes it only uses the amount of beers set for the week even during event. So I need to set the amount of beers I want to the column for "week beers" and after event change it back.
I think this comes from the fact, that the Events have IDs and they have to be configured within the bot's code into a human readable format.

I see error messages like

Code: Alles auswählen

Warn RequestResponse Unknown Sub-Event value: 524394
and I think they are the new event IDs not yet known to the bot, so it doesn't know what to do, since there's a list of items where the bot should do things different (like GoldEvent or EpicEvent). I assume that this RequestResponse prevents the "is an event today?" trigger to activate.

So, at the moment I don't think that there's a quick solution to it.
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von marenga »

frank42 hat geschrieben: Fr 17. Jan 2025, 15:04 I see error messages like

Code: Alles auswählen

Warn RequestResponse Unknown Sub-Event value: 524394
and I think they are the new event IDs not yet known to the bot, so it doesn't know what to do, since there's a list of items where the bot should do things different (like GoldEvent or EpicEvent). I assume that this RequestResponse prevents the "is an event today?" trigger to activate.
Yeah, if you want a bit more insight, the value (524394) is basicaly a binary list of all the events currently active. In your case, it says event modifiers [2, 4, 6, 7, 20] are active. The numbers then get converted to actual event modifiers (Gold, Witch, etc.). The parsing is a bit weird though, so just because it does not know what the number 20 is yet, it just throws away all the other correctly parsed modifiers. In my API, I only parse the known ones and ignore the unknown ones, that should also work here. I will add that to the growing list of things to fix.

Just as a sidenode, even if I don't respond to all the messages and bug reports here, I still read them and add them to the list. I am just currently very busy, so I can't fix them all right now. If there are any bot breaking bugs I could make some time for that, but all the small bugs will have to wait until I get some more time, probably next month
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor marenga für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 6):
DasAoD (Fr 17. Jan 2025, 17:49) • Wasabi (Fr 17. Jan 2025, 18:00) • frank42 (Fr 17. Jan 2025, 18:55) • Bossi (Fr 17. Jan 2025, 20:12) • kuztiix900 (Sa 18. Jan 2025, 09:58) • freak_on_silicon (Mo 20. Jan 2025, 09:04)
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von frank42 »

marenga hat geschrieben: Fr 17. Jan 2025, 17:45 Yeah, if you want a bit more insight, the value (524394) is basicaly a binary list of all the events currently active. In your case, it says event modifiers [2, 4, 6, 7, 20] are active. The numbers then get converted to actual event modifiers (Gold, Witch, etc.). The parsing is a bit weird though, so just because it does not know what the number 20 is yet, it just throws away all the other correctly parsed modifiers. In my API, I only parse the known ones and ignore the unknown ones, that should also work here. I will add that to the growing list of things to fix.
Ah, yes, I see...

Code: Alles auswählen

user@workstation~ % echo "obase=2; 524394" | bc
524394 converts to 10000000000001101010 so every number corresponds to an event which is active (1) or inactive(0) and the first number is assumed to be the new rumble-for-riches event :)

Yep, that is weird, but I remember seeing similar concepts of list management coding long time before - and I think one of the early ancestors of Nagios Monitoring did similar for return codes :-)
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von kingspeedy »

@marenga thanks for your work!

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a bug. I have created two new characters. I have activated the quests function. The bot has been running for two days now. But the character has not received any experience or gold. The current action in the overview says “none”. The following entries are permanently logged in the account log.

18.01.25 10:07:14.112 <Char>@S16.SFGAME.EU Taverne wird betreten.. Information Taverne
18.01.25 10:07:14.112 <Char>@S16.SFGAME.EU Quest 1: 00:16 min, 1,32 Gold (0,08/s), 41 EP, (2,56/s), Ort: Schattenfelsgebirge Information Taverne
18.01.25 10:07:14.112 <Char>@S16.SFGAME.EU --> Item gefunden, Verkaufswert 1,05 Gold Information Taverne
18.01.25 10:07:14.112 <Char>@S16.SFGAME.EU Quest 2: 00:16 min, 0,82 Gold (0,05/s), 80 EP, (5/s), Ort: Wucherdschungel Information Taverne
18.01.25 10:07:14.112 <Char>@S16.SFGAME.EU Quest 3: 00:48 min, 0,85 Gold (0,02/s), 436 EP, (9,08/s), Ort: Ebenen von Oz'Korr Information Taverne

The settings are as follows


If further information is required for the analysis, I will be happy to provide it.
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von DasAoD »

Have you switched from Expeditions to Adventures for both characters in the game itself?
You must first change this in the settings (cogwheel).
Expeditions do not work with the bot.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor DasAoD für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
kingspeedy (Sa 18. Jan 2025, 10:53) • marenga (Sa 18. Jan 2025, 11:07)
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von kingspeedy »

I could have thought of that myself...

Thank you very much! I was probably looking too hard for the error in the bot settings.
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Registriert: Do 14. Mai 2020, 00:14
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Re: Unofficial MFBot Update

Beitrag von DasAoD »

You're welcome. :)

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