Best Settings

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Registriert: Mo 17. Jul 2017, 18:02
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Best Settings

Beitrag von toxicteddy1 »

I dont speak German so Im not sure if this is posted in the wrong section.If it is forgive me.
I would like to ask what would be the best settings for a mage in the bot.Im really confused and I have no idea what to check and uncheck.The character is new and hasnt leveled up much (3-5 lvl)
Thanks in advance :)
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Re: Best Settings

Beitrag von F0restbear »

Kinda late, but I guess a late answer is better than no answer? ^^

Frankly speaking there is no "best setting". Everyone has a different perception of how their character can be the best. Now it's up to to decide that.
You can either aim:
for gold -> which means more skillpoints, higher chances to win pvp but also lower level
or for xp -> which means higher level but also low pvp chances and (less skillpoints) - But im not quite sure about this because you get more gold the higher your lvl is. I'm really clueless about the ratio

Then you also need to decide whether you want to clear your dungeons early (which means faster xp) or slowly (which can help you skip "level brakes" dunno what it is called in english, but you have a xp brake every 25 levels for 10 levels)
Viele Grüße / Best regards

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Registriert: Mi 29. Jan 2014, 02:22
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Re: Best Settings

Beitrag von Andi »

just have a look on this Topic....

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