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Verfasst: Do 5. Jan 2023, 23:36
von Shyxela
Inventory always full I tried everything could you please add more things so the inventory isn’t always so full a button to automatically empty it every now and then or something please I’ve lost so many rewards ( daily login ( because my inv was full but I didn’t notice so it be helpful

Re: Bug

Verfasst: Fr 6. Jan 2023, 06:32
von boeserwolf

Can you give us more information on that? What settings do you use for selling, what items are excluded and so on?
And what items are filling your inventory?

Best regards

Re: Bug

Verfasst: Fr 6. Jan 2023, 07:04
von Shyxela
I have sell item when inv full and keep minimum one space what you mean by excluded ? Because mostly it’s gems and items that fill my inv

Re: Bug

Verfasst: Fr 6. Jan 2023, 11:03
von boeserwolf
In the settings where you can enable selling there also is a list of settings to exclude items from selling (like better items, epics and so on):
Account_Settings.png (13.76 KiB) 2496 mal betrachtet

Re: Bug

Verfasst: Fr 6. Jan 2023, 12:18
von Shyxela
I set it as u had it thank u I didn’t understand that setting I had all on now I changed it thank u hopefully it fixed the issue have a nice day :3