Hello update bot

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Registriert: Di 11. Jan 2022, 16:17
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Hello update bot

Beitrag von Shyxela »

Could you guys add a empty out whole inventory section sometimes it gets full inventory n it’s annoying I’d need help having set the exclude section aswell as the bot won’t sell black gems I only want the bot to keep quest items like keys pets n legendarys gems hopefully u guys can help me set it up , I’ve been using the bot for very long but never seemed to set that setting right thx
Beiträge: 134
Registriert: Do 10. Jan 2019, 20:09
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Re: Hello update bot

Beitrag von Rewind »

The Bot do sell black gems. "Quest Items like pets" do not end up in the inventory.

You would have to adjust a few settings. That's how I currently use it. Not perfect, but I'm very contentely
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Rewind für den Beitrag:
boeserwolf (Mi 1. Feb 2023, 18:03)

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