The issue with running on VPS

Fehler der Nightly-Versionen
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Registriert: So 25. Feb 2024, 19:30
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The issue with running on VPS

Beitrag von Leneneq »

When launching the bot on a virtual server (VPS), a white screen (Attachment 11.png) appears where nothing can be opened, as if the terminal is frozen (the File, Actions, Options, Help tabs cannot be clicked).

Before starting, the following message appears:
"Open ERROR: Can not open the file as [zip] archive

Is not archive"

The error occurs regardless of the SSH connection via Putty or Tabby.

Machine: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
dotnet: 6.0.127
11.png (11.11 KiB) 427 mal betrachtet
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Registriert: Sa 24. Feb 2024, 21:51
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Re: The issue with running on VPS

Beitrag von sussyjelou »

I'm not sure if the buttons are intended to be clickable. I'm using this console version on Raspberry OS and I control the bot using ALT + the first yellow letter. I think it should work for you too.
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Registriert: Sa 18. Nov 2023, 21:15
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Re: The issue with running on VPS

Beitrag von jsfrz »

If you want to run MFbot on VPS, I would recommand using Docker. Create folder for the project and create Dockerfile:

Code: Alles auswählen

FROM alpine:latest

RUN apk --no-cache add wget dotnet6-runtime libc6-compat screen bash


COPY Acc.ini .

RUN wget

RUN chmod +x MFBot_Konsole_x86_64

RUN mkdir -p ~/.local/share/
RUN mkdir -p ~/.config/

CMD ["sh", "-c", "screen -S MFBotSession -d -m ./MFBot_Konsole_x86_64 && tail -f /dev/null"]
Now place your Acc.ini in the folder and run this to build the image and start the bot:

Code: Alles auswählen

sudo docker build -t mfbot .
sudo docker run -d --restart always --name mfbot mfbot
You wont be able to interact with it, but you can always use Portainer or command to stop the container. I have tested this on Debain 12 with no desktop environment. What Dockerfile does is just downloading latest nightly build and creating image from it.
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Registriert: Mi 3. Jul 2019, 14:43
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Re: The issue with running on VPS

Beitrag von frank42 »

While docker is a possible solution, I would suggest something not that overbloated...

I run the bot with -l within a screen¹ session. Works perfectly and has almost no overhead at all.

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